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colemaktutor helps you to learn and practise typing in the colemak layout (and qwerty layout).

Try out the Colemak layout without fiddling with your Operating System

Emulate a layout so you can learn and practice typing in colemak without the need for installing an implementation for your operating system. It's a command line program only, but colemaktutor is designed to optionally support more interfaces in the future.

Quick start

Make sure you have Python3 and pip installed (optionally in a virtualenv).

Install dependencies:

$ (sudo) pip install -r requirements.txt

Install colemaktutor:

$ (sudo) make install

Run by executing:

$ colemaktutor

Read the user documentation and/or API documentation for full coverage of all topics.

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about me

I am a computer enthusiast and software developer, passionate about free and open source software and Unix-like operating systems.

Copyright © 2015-2016 Benjamin Althues
The code for this website is released under an ISC License | |